More on Religion.

October is right to life month and as Catholics we pray for the unborn. The sermon by father Michael today took a dimension that bothered me. The church came into my bedroom and I felt intruded upon. The sermon condemned abortion which is okay but it went beyond abortion. It condemned the use of birth control, because sex is for procreation only. By using birth control we were indulging in pleasures which is contrary to the teaching of the church. I even realized that the poor boys that were having wet dreams, were sinning. Those who pleasure themselves have sinned by spilling the seed. So all you men out there can't pleasure yourselves or have sex for pleasure any more.
Now I support the programs that the church runs to take care of people who have unwanted pregnancies, but after we raise these kids it is okay to execute them for a crime or send them off to a war to get killed or maimed.
I would appreciate the clergy to condemn any form of killing. They can't condemn abortions or sex and pray for our troops as they kill people of other countries. I don't see the same zeal in the condemnation of the manufacturers of weapons as I see about research on stem cells.
I call upon church leaders to condemn every thing that results in the loss of a life. The death penalty, weaponry, wars, abortions and anything that results in death. As we protest abortion clinics we should protest gun mills. As we protest stem cell we should protest war. So next time we should pray the rosary in front of gun shops, arsenals and I will see balance in the way things are done.
I will continue to pray on this one because it is one area that the church and I diverge.