Rape as a Weapon against the Ngwa Community

I have not written anything in a while. A lot has been happening in our community that not only shocks but it brings tears to my eyes.

A few year ago we had the "Utu" phenomenon. A self confessed once professed secretary to witches for a fee was sanitizing the community of people who he once claimed to serve with.
He went from village to village and in the process destroyed people who were institutions in their communities. The order of things were now upside down. The youth ran the show and the elders cowered in fear.
People found it acceptable to watch 70 year old men and women receive beatings from young men, based on the accusation of a stranger. People found it acceptable to make people drink their own pee. People found it acceptable to banish people from communities they had lived in all their lives because a stranger came into that community and pointed a finger.
People used this exercise as an excuse to settle scores.

After "Utu" was finished with his exercise, the next plague to visit the Ngwa community was kidnapping for ransom. It started with the kidnapping of people who had relatives abroad, then people who had relatives in Abuja or Lagos. And then it was just anyone that had the means. In Aba, armed robbers ruled the day. The banks for a period shut down, because of insecurity. Transporters would not come to many Ngwa communities after 5pm. Some they skipped all together. The fuel merchants refused to deliver fuel to Aba.

Things came to a climax when some journalists where kidnapped in Aba. There was an uproar in Nigeria. The President weighed in. Mosad was purportedly brought in and in a forth night the kidnappers were found.

That did not bring any comfort to Da Oyidia, who had been kidnapped many times. Mrs. Okubunka who was kidnapped while making funeral arrangements for her late husband. The apparatus of the state was never employed to find them or those that kidnapped them.

Once again those who don't make any noise are ignored.

The new wave in Ngwaland today is the gang rape of Ngwa women. These crazed lunatics go into churches to rape. They go into homes to rape. They go to markets to rape. They number at least 10 when they commit these acts.

Here is an atrocity that happened a few days ago. They broke into the compound of a family and went into the house of a 70 year old woman. They ordered one of her sons to have sex with her. When he refused he was shot dead. They asked another son to have sex with the mother. When he refused the mother begged him to have sex with her so that he not be murdered.

This type of stuff happens in war zones, in occupied countries but never in a democracy.

What has the Governor of Abia state done? Nothing. What has the local government chairman done? Nothing. What has the Nigerian Police force done? They have done something. They have mounted check points where they collect money from motorists. They don't have any investigative apparatus set up to combat the menace of armed robbery, kidnapping or the rapes. But they have their prized check points. What have our Senators done? Ask them when next you see them.

My people the Nigerian Government only responds when shamed.

Spread this story to as many people as possible. I will add it to my twitter page. Share it please. Put it on Facebook, twitter or any other social media you can. I welcome any stories from you about family members that have been kidnapped, raped or any thing you care to share.
We need to maintain a wall of shame till Nigeria treats her citizen right.
Igbo for Beginners


I asked one of the candidates running for Abia State Governor how he intends to solve the problems that plague the Ngwa community today. His response? "God will help me to end it"
You can all go to bed. The plan is in place. God will help him end it. That is his plan.
Eze said…

There is more sad news for ABA. Today a school bus carrying children around Portharcourt road was kidnapped and no one knows the faith of the children as at now. Also, all major private hospitals have closed down and about 95% of the doctors have run away since Friday, so everybody in Aba now seems to be on their own, the worst part of it is that, there is no end in sight.

Christopher, the one thing you missed was killings, roasting's, and butchering of human beings and some were very innocent by the so called Bakasi in Ngwa Land. You also missed the cutting down of land mark trees by the religious fanatics. The sins of the fathers. How sad indeed.

Anonymous said…
The sad news about Aba and ala-Ngwa is that some of the pepertrators of these crimes are known and yet nobody does any thing. Should we send a Rawlings for the clean up of the state?
Chuck Asoluka
Anonymous said…
Zimuzo said…
Mr Onwuasoanya,your post here gladdened my heart.I had been searching for something from an Ngwa indigene regarding this menace that has overtaken Aba.Some of us who are not Ngwa people,the ones Ngwa people erroneously call Ndi Ohuhu are terrified.We are scared that these hoodlums (and they are many in number) want to run us out of the place so they can declare our properties abandoned and then occupy them like Igbos witnessed in PH after the civil war.
Many of you in the United states and Uk ought to do something besides writing blogs.
There are Ngwa associations in those places,get together contribute money,take up radio announcements and plead with the youths and elders of the land, some of the ndi eze are in cahoots with these lunatics.
There are popular ndi eze in Ngwaland that are notorious criminals,everyone knows who they are.
Aba is fast becoming a ghost town and those of us not from Aba but who call Aba home are just as saddened.
Anonymous said…
There are many problems plaguing Ala Ngwa and Nigeria as a whole. Aba has gone to the dogs(including the surrounding Obingwa and Osisioma communities), but do not be fooled into believing that this is strictly an Ngwa issue. Aba metropolis is inhabited mostly by non-Ngwa, and they are the ones cheifly involved in these crimes. I am sure there are some Ngwa youth that are involved too, but the vast majority are NOT ndi Ngwa. There is a reason why the problem is at its apex in the Aba environs. Enemies of Ndi Ngwa are trying to seize this opportunity to give us a bad name as they have always done(take note Zimuzo). If crime is high in Abuja today, do we go blaming the indigenes even though they do not constitute the majority population anymore? It's illogical. By no means am I trying to absolve the Ngwa elements involved in these criminal activities, but if you get robbed in Aba today, chances are high that you were robbed by "Nwa Ohuhu" than by "Nwa Ngwa".

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