The Dumbing down of the Vice Presidency.

Like most of you in America, I watched the debate between Governor Palin and Senator Biden. It was a bit painful but I guess this is democracy in action. The founding fathers envisioned that people aspiring to the office be of good reputation and strong intellect. I don't think they intended the office to be for Joe "six pack".
Governor Palin's language and repeated winks and waves made me wonder what I was watching. Her absolute refusal to answer the questions and her insistence on repeating her talking points made me wonder why she believed she belonged on the stage. During the debate I kept repeating to my wife, she is using a lot of words and not saying anything.
The most shocking response I got was from the media and Republicans. They gave her a passing grade for not falling apart at the debate. She as able to stand there and repeat all that she had crammed. A lot of you that went to Nigerian schools can describe the folly of cramming. If the material you crammed did not show up on the test, you go ahead and spit out that material anyway. She got good grades for showing up.
The Republican party used to be the party of ideas. But somehow it has been turned into a reality show. Vice President Spiro Agnew had used an expression that still survives today as a masterpiece to describe the media. "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". Can you see Sarah Palin coming up with something remotely similar? Aww shucks, drill baby drill? Wow we sure have lowered the bar.
We should all stand up and decry the dumbing down of the office by John McCain and crew. There are certain minimums that are expected from those we elect to higher office.
Intelligence and knowledge of the world around you is the minimum.
Governor Palin has not demonstrated that she meets those tests.