Poor Experience With Aero Contractors And Owerri Airport

Aero has been running a promo. N10,000 naira to any destination in Nigeria. I booked a round trip for my wife and myself to Owerri from Lagos. The flight attendants and crew were very pleasant. As the plane was about to I showed my wife our online booking and she noticed that the return date was wrong. The flight attendants told us to ask for the station manager one IG who should help us take care of it. When we landed we went to the ticket counter. After being ignored for more than 45 minutes the individual who attended to us told us that IG had had a stressful day and we should not bother him.

We went to the office that was immediately outside the Owerri airport gates. After waiting for over 1 hour we met IG whose name is Ignatius Utsalo. He was recently posted to the airport. He introduced us to a lady who said she could not help and directed us to send an email to tickethelpdesk@aero.acn. IG asked us to forward a copy to admin@aero.acn. The reason they could not help was because of a software upgrade.

We sent the email, the email to admin came back as undeliverable. We never got a response. We went back the next day to the office who now directed us to the ticket desk. The ticket people could not help because one system showed that we had checked in while the other said we had not. After another 4 hours we were directed to come back the next day. Ignatius Utsalo reassured us he will help us.
We went back the next day and we spent another two hours and then the good news that Ignatius Utsalo gave us was that we had to pay N25,000 each for an upgrade. Online the price was N14,000 at the counter. We left in frustration and anger for the wasted time and missed opportunities.
The crew at Owerri believe that the best way to do business is to fleece the customers. There were so many customers who had paid and could show they had paid that had similar problems. After many hours they were given the same option. 
The Owerri airport had a broken door that would not close, Air conditioning that was over tasked with cooling the outside air and the bomb detection equipment and conveyor for the checked luggage that is not functional. Can you imagine the security risk that poses to travelers? The people searching through your bags have no way of detecting explosives or bombs. When something happens we start to issue a post mortem.

I observed the employees of the airline (Aero) making deals that involved exchanges of customer money. The cashier and I believe the station manager were in cahoots with the other members of staff. The sole purpose they exist is to take advantage of Hapless customers.

Please forward this to as many people as you can till Aero Contractors and people like them are shamed and made to pay for poor customer service. In this day and age why don't they accept debit cards for payments at the airports?

We paid for tickets to go back with Arik, after wasting two days at the airport and missing the funeral we flew in for.


response from Vin Modebelu
We went back the next day and we spent another two hours and then the good news that Ignatius Utsalo gave us was that we had to pay N25,000 each for an upgrade. Online the price was N14,000 at the counter. We left in frustration and anger for the wasted time and missed opportunities.

Four airports make monies in Nigeria for these scammers because of heavy traffic...Lagos + Abuja + Owerri + PH

Bro Onwuasoanya..

Welcome to Aero contractor..The Fleecing contractor at Owerri Airport.

Did you think that Mr Utsalo was going to give you the prize as advertized...Noooo wayyyy.

In the first place..
The prize for Owerri to lagos is N19500.00
but he wants to give you an upgrade at N25,000.00
This N25,000.00 plus the N10,000.00 you had already shelled out.

The scam is on.

The Hulky guy with glasses is the ring leader playing GOOD COP BAD COP.
He will send you to his crony..
Who in turn acts very rude....then you come back to him...then he make a ridiculous offer that is a take it or leave

I deal with them every three months in Owerri.
hey know me. They know that I know the scam.

I always pay N19,500.00

I have watched them frisk people out of N35,00.00 on a late ticket buying frenzy.

The Lagos office at MM2 tried to frisk me if N70,000.00
The amount was for 3 booked tickets.
They said my name was missing...it was not booked...
But the scammer made a mistake.
She started off that the rate quoted to me N19,500 each for 45 people had expired.
she realized that I was not going to pay N70000.00...she said my name was not in the computer.

I quickly announced the actual rate to every one at the counter..
I placed a call to main office.
In minutes..
The girl told me that she pressed the wrong button that my name and reservation have re-appeared.
They took me by the side to find something for them.

I gave them N500.00

The scam

The one running the scam is the one always ready to go home and the new person taking over does not know what is going on.
The new person slams you with the highest prize based on fake computer.

Only Aero is always upgrading.
They never have a working computer.

The airline crew in the scam

The last minute buyers are not in the manifest.
The main office do not know of you.
The crew get their own cut with the chief attendant.

This is why in AERO..If you come in late and board the flight..Some one is already in your seat with a ticket.

The Chief attendant will make sure that the scammer at the desk pays up.

If not they will bounce you with legitimate ticket and fly the crooked ticket holder because they have his monies in their pockets.
Those baggage handlers in Owerri are the front line of the scam. They always want to get you the tickets at N35,000.00

ARIK scammer are on the luggage..
every luggage is excess and you have to pay N5000.00 @ 1/3 your flight ticket for a bag.

They know you need to fly and they hold you hostage. they are there waiting..
the Airport taxis are not left out either.


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