Using social media to promote your business or enterprise

We  have been gifted with tools that most of us never dreamed possible when we left Nigeria to come to America.

In the short time we have been here, we have witnessed, Federal Express, Fax Machines, The Personal Computer, Mobile Phones, Email (you've got mail) and today twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and the discussion groups.

Do we use these tools to enhance or further our careers or do we use them as a social outlet to express opinions about subjects that we have all become experts on?

A few days ago a young Ibo man sent me an email via Linkedin. He wanted me to introduce him to another member who he saw on my profile. He was looking for a job and needed an introduction to the hiring manager. I made the introduction and the hiring manager extended his email and asked for his resume. Are you on LinkedIn?

Do you have a blog? Do you know that you can start one for free and if you have things you are passionate about, you can write about them and get paid doing that. I average about $1.20 a day from my bog, with very limited following and updates. There are people who earn six figures from their blogs. What is stopping you?

Are you on Facebook? Most of us are. I know I devote easily one hour a day to it. But what other benefits do you get from Facebook? Did you know you can advertise your business or services on Facebook? Do you know you can set up a company page to promote your services? I sent out mail to each of my Facebook contact promoting our company asking for help promoting what we do. The response was amazing. We got requests for quotes and we have received referrals to two State Government agencies. Can you imagine the cost of doing the same thing if we follow the traditional method of doing things?

Do you use Google for email? Included with your email account are apps like Hangout, Voice (lets you make free phone calls to any US or Canadian number), Calendar, Google + and many more free applications that make your life easy. I used Talk when I was in Nigeria to send and receive text messages and make phone calls over the internet.

After sharing these tips with you, I also appeal to you to help me spread our business. I have enclosed a PDF file that lists what we offer. If you know anyone in Nigeria or in West Africa that can benefit from our services please let us know.
Visit our website or like us on 


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