Obama and the LBGT Community

Obama has the lesbian Gay community in an uproar because he selected Rick Warren to be a speaker at his inauguration. They are upset that this minister who is anti gay marriage is allowed a forum, at such a momentous event.
I have considered myself liberal to a degree but one area that I don't consider myself a liberal is in my belief. I am not going to stop anyone from being gay or having a gay relationship but that those not give anyone the right to tell me not to associate with someone who disagrees with them.
I am even more resentful when the LBGT community equates gay marriage with the struggle for civil rights. I can't tell most gay people when they walk down the street, but everyone can tell a person of color when they see one. My sexual orientation I can hide my racial orientation I can't hide.
The rights that black people won was the right to be treated as an equal human. Not a half human. The right to drink from the same water fountain, the right to go to the same schools, the right to vote for the person that will represent me. The right to own land and the right to raise my children. The right to be judged for who I am and not the color of my skin.
My LGBT friends, your battle pales next to those that black people had to endure. While I sympathize with your fight, please stop expecting black people to be understanding of your fight by equating it with civil rights. I don't remember the last time the authorities set dogs on you as you protested your rights. I don't remember the last time the police cracked your skull with a baton as you asked for your constitutionally granted rights. I don't remember the last time a fire hose was used to stop your protest. I am sure old white ladies don't cross the street or hold their purses tighter when they see you coming. I am sure there is no such crime as driving while gay.

My brothers and sister frame your fight in the contest that you want it recognized as. 

At the end of the day the black man and woman wants the same thing every American wants. 

The need to provide food and shelter to our loved ones. In this respect we are no different from the general populace.


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