
Showing posts from November, 2013

A village School : The state of education in our villages.

Nine in the morning, the children are there and no sign of adults. No teachers, no custodian, no principal nobody. The young children swept the compound and waited around for the teacher who got there after 930. Can you imagine this happening any where else. In a school with so many buildings, where are the other teachers? An unknown adult on school grounds and no other adult to challenge him or monitor his movement. The adult was with us. Can you imagine this anywhere else in the world?

The Shame Called MMA International Airport

The shame called Murtala Muhammed International Airport November 13, 2013  by Japheth Omojuwa    Murtala Muhammed International Airport Lagos How much does a country need to keep its busiest international airport from running like an oven? The Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos has to be the hottest airport in the world. It is easily the hottest I have travelled through and I have been through quite a lot of airports. Even the Nairobi airport in Kenya that was engulfed by fire is not as hot as the MMIA. You should not even get started with comparing it with the airport in Cape Town or Johannesburg, South Africa. Ghana’s Kotoka International Airport, Accra may be small but it does not meet you with the repulsiveness the MMIA greets you with. Even the Eyadema airport in Togo has a better atmosphere. The Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport in Dakar, Senegal trumps ours by light years. This is speaking of African countries. We dare no...

Our Miracle was discharged Friday and went back home yesterday

One week ago today I got a Skype message from my friend Lulufa Vongtau, asking that we pray for his son, his son had broken both arms in a freak accident. The young man had fallen down 10 or 18 floors and had been trapped for over 36 hours before he was rescued by the NY City Fire Department. They had to break walls to remove him from where he had spend 36 hours. My wife and I had arrived at the hospital a few hours after he had been rescued. He looked worse that he actually was. Lots of missing skin on his toes and his chin, a broken arm, abrasions on his face.  On Thursday 5 days after he was admitted they discharged him. His grand mother in Nigeria said that they should check him back in.  That he was released so soon after such a traumatic event is miracle.  That he survived the fall is a miracle.  That he survived 36 hours before getting medical attention is a major miracle. The media have been dying to get the story. They have called the mother non...

Using social media to promote your business or enterprise

We  have been gifted with tools that most of us never dreamed possible when we left Nigeria to come to America. In the short time we have been here, we have witnessed, Federal Express, Fax Machines, The Personal Computer, Mobile Phones, Email (you've got mail) and today twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and the discussion groups. Do we use these tools to enhance or further our careers or do we use them as a social outlet to express opinions about subjects that we have all become experts on? A few days ago a young Ibo man sent me an email via Linkedin. He wanted me to introduce him to another member who he saw on my profile. He was looking for a job and needed an introduction to the hiring manager. I made the introduction and the hiring manager extended his email and asked for his resume. Are you on LinkedIn? Do you have a blog? Do you know that you can start one for free and if you have things you are passionate about, you can write about them and get paid doing that. I...

A well written post on Albino's in Africa

I visit this blog a Trip Down Memory Lane and he wrote a wonderful article called Albinos in Africa. Albino ism is very common in the Ngwa community. We have a few on my father's side of the family. I am sure if we took time to look we would find some in every member of our family. It is long but very instructive. Enjoy: click the link.

The Miracle that is my friends son

Yesterday evening I got a message from my friend Lulufa, asking that we pray for his son who had suffered a freak accident. I called him on the phone and he could not explain what happened. I called his wife and she told me that her son had last been seen on Friday and he was found trapped between two buildings Sunday night. He had fallen 10 floors and for some minor internal bleeding (spleen) a broken arm, and lacerations he was in fairly good shape. Can you imagine being stuck for almost 2 days and not sure that help will come. Can you imagine seeing daylight and then darkness and daylight again. And then going through another night can you imagine what the young man must have been thinking? He is fortunate to have friends who noticed that he had been missing and insisted that campus security find him. They sent a Facebook message to his sister asking if she had seen him? They insisted that Mum call campus security and report him missing. Suzette and I visited him in Bellevue hosp...