LAWRENCE CHARLES NWANGWA NGWA/UKWA LIBERATION (CHARLES NWANGWA PLAN OF ACTION) IDEALISM VERSUS REALITY PART ONE IN THE BEGINNING A lot have been written, said and analysed on the problems of the NGWA/U KWA and her peoples, while I do not wish to repeat what have been said severally, I also consider it apposite to digress on some of our immediate past justifying the Ngwa adage that "one who fails to note where the rain began to beat him will not know where it stopped to beat him". NDINGWA operated an agrarian economy: mainly for subsistence. Consequent on this LAND became the beginning and ends all. Any one who did not distinguish himself either as a powerful farmer, physical prowess as a tiller of the soil or land owner who could do "kwoo kwoorom (a system whereby the landowner gives out some portions of land to another who is less endowed but with physical strength, to cultiv...